How Tall Are We? A Journey of Exploration and Friendship at Ela Green School


At Ela Green School, we believe in nurturing a love for learning through hands-on experiences and playful exploration. Recently, our youngest students embarked on a delightful adventure to answer a question that sparks wonder in every child: How tall are we?

Armed with notebooks, slates, and their imaginations, the little ones transformed everyday objects into measuring tools. Ice cream sticks became rulers, pencils morphed into measuring tapes, and even chocolates found a purpose, serving as markers on the journey to self-discovery.

Laughter filled the air as they compared heights, their faces aglow with curiosity and joy. The classroom buzzed with energetic questions and playful declarations of “I’m taller!” and “You’re shorter!” Each comparison was met with enthusiastic gestures and animated discussions, showcasing the unique personalities and perspectives of each child.

But the exploration went beyond mere measurement. A vibrant song filled the room, adding a rhythmic beat to their discoveries. They meticulously marked their findings on their slates, each line a testament to their growing understanding of numbers and measurements.

One child, with eyes full of wonder and a boundless spirit, set a goal to reach the majestic heights of a giraffe. This sparked a chain reaction of imagination, leading to discussions about different animals and their sizes. Soon, the room was filled with visions of soaring eagles and lumbering elephants, each child adding their own unique perspective to the conversation.

As they explored the concept of height, the children were not only learning, they were also forming meaningful connections. The activity fostered collaboration, as they helped each other measure and record their findings. It nurtured empathy, as they celebrated each other’s achievements and differences. And most importantly, it ignited a sense of joy and wonder, reminding them of the simple pleasures of exploring and discovering the world around them.

More than just measuring heights, this activity served as a springboard for:

  • Developing foundational mathematical skills: The children practiced counting, measuring, and comparing, laying the groundwork for future learning.
  • Enhancing social-emotional skills: Collaboration, empathy, and communication were nurtured through the act of working together and sharing discoveries.
  • Cultivating a love for learning: The playful and engaging atmosphere sparked curiosity and a desire to explore the world around them.
  • Building a strong foundation for friendship: Shared laughter, discoveries, and celebrations strengthened bonds and created lasting memories.

At Ela Green School, we believe that learning is a journey, not a destination. And judging by the infectious laughter and bright smiles that filled the classroom that day, this exploration of height was a joyous step on that journey.

We invite you to join us on this adventure of learning and discovery. Visit our website or contact us today to learn more about our unique approach to early childhood education. Let us help your child embark on their own journey of self-discovery, friendship, and a lifelong love of learning.

Contact Us

Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar,

Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District,



+91–89399 58989



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