PYP Parent Orientation 2024-25: Welcome to Elagreen School!

 Dear Parents,

We are glad that you can make it to the Elagreen PTA orientation for the academic year 2024–25. At this point, we have seen that this is a very important occasion for us to share with you our visions, aims, and pedagogical approaches to educating your child.

Building a learning environment where collaboration thrives

Elagreen School wants to be a place where people speak their minds freely and communicate openly. It believes that education is a collaborative endeavor based on shared objectives and mutual respect. Our orientation program has been designed in such a way that parents are fully engaged and informed about how we operate as far as teaching their children is concerned.

Child-Centered Approach to Learning

Our programs and pedagogical approaches are consciously developed to provide your child with an engaging and rewarding learning experience. We insist on inquiry-based learning, which enables students to discover, question, and understand concepts deeply. We aim to create learners who have an insatiable hunger for knowledge—lifelong learners capable of negotiating their way through today’s complex world.

Parents’ Role in Our Community

Parents make up an integral part of the community; they are our biggest support system. With your cooperation, our plans become realistic. This is because we know that children’s education does not stop at the classroom door but is continued by you, who play a critical role in supporting what has been taught at school.

Reciprocal Communication

Instead of a one-sided conversation, our commitment to reciprocal communication enhances academic, behavioral, and emotional outcomes for all students. We love having conversations with you, thus valuing your input since they always give us room for improvement or change depending on educational practices. Together, we will establish an atmosphere where each child feels safe enough, understood well enough, and challenged enough to achieve his or her best.

What You Should Expect at the Orientation

The following are some of the things you can expect during the orientation:

  • Meet our committed teaching staff and support personnel.

  • Insights into our PYP curriculum and instructional approaches.

  • How to assess as well as support your child’s progress

  • There are several ways to engage in school activities and events.

  • Participating in interactive sessions where you can ask questions, provide answers, or share ideas.

Looking ahead to a successful year

We are excited about the forthcoming academic year with its endless possibilities for our students. Your presence at this orientation is proof that the education of your children matters to you and that we both want to offer them the best learning environment possible.


Elagreen School Team

Thanks for joining the Elagreen School community. We anticipate a partnership with you to make this an unforgettable experience for your learners throughout the 2024–2025 academic year.



Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar,

Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District,




+91 – 89399 58989




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